• Moving around:

    Select Move tool and drag in the editor area to move in time and pitch dimensions.
  • Zoom:

    Select zoom tool and drag in the editor area. Dragging to right or down will zoom in and dragging to left or up will zoom out.
  • Zoom in Rectangle:

    Select zoom rectangle tool and draw a rectangle to zoom in to that rectangle.
  • Standard Operations:

    You can copy, cut, paste, delete, select notes; undo, redo any operation. You can perform these operations from 1. keyboard shortcuts, 2. context menu (by right clicking on the editor area) or 3. main Edit menu.
  • Selecting Notes:

    Select notes by clicking on them while holding SHIFT key. Deselect a selected note in the same way (by SHIFT clicking).
    You can also quickly select notes by drawing a rectangle around them.
    Deselect all notes by clicking on empty area.

  • Main Tool:

    This is combination of Pitch Shift, Time Stretch and Move and Split tools. Dragging upper half of a note will move the notes. Dragging lower half will shift the pitch. Dragging left or right sides of note will stretch/compress the notes. Double clicking on notes will split the notes.
  • Pitch Shift:

    Select Pitch Shift tool, select notes and drag any of the selected note up or down to shift the pitch in steps. Holding down ALT key while dragging will shift the pitch continuously. (If custom scale is enabled, the pitch shift will further follow the rules of the scale). Double clicking will set the base pitch to the tuning of the default (equal-tempered) scale (or to the custom tuning if it is enabled).
  • Pitch Modulation:

    Select Pitch Modulation tool, select notes and drag any of the selected note up or down to change the amount of pitch modulation. Double clicking on any of the selected notes will change the modulation to zero (toggle between original and zero modulation).
  • Pencil Tool:

    Select Pencil tool and draw the pitch you want. A new note with this new pitch profile will be created from the underlying "original" audio. (The old notes accompanying the new note are also held intact). You can operate on this new note the way you do on any other normal note.
  • Formants:

    Select Formants tool, select notes and drag the notes up or down to change the formants of these notes. When formant tool is selected, you will see green lines that represent the previous formant change and red lines that represent your current manipulation. (Unmodified formant will have no downward or upward bar). Double clicking on the notes will bring the formants back to original.
  • Volume:

    Select Volume tool, select notes and drag the notes up or down to change the volume of these notes. You will see the size of the note changing according to the new volume. Double clicking on the notes will mute these notes in playback and also while saving the audio to file. (You can unmute them by double clicking on them again).
  • Time Stretch:

    Select Time tool, select notes, press any one of the notes at the left or right edge and drag to left or right.
  • Move note in Time:

    Select Time tool, select notes, press any one of the notes in the middle (NOT at the left or right edge) and drag to left or right.
  • Split a note:

    Select Split tool and double click at the point where you want to separate the note into two.
  • Join notes:

    Select Split tool and double click at the right edge of the first note or left edge of the second note, the two notes will be joined into one.
  • Vibrato Creation:

    Open Vibrato Creator dialog. Select notes. Tune these parameters and you will see the pitch contour of the notes changing the shape accordingly.
    • Frequency:
      Number oscillations of pitch per second.
    • Pitch range:
      The maximum pitch amount to .
    • Phase:
      The starting state of vibrato.
    • Randomness:
      The amount (from zero to one) by which randomness is introduced to the vibrato to sound more natural.
    • Remove original modulation:
      If checked, absolute vibrato is introduced - no pitch information is taken from the original audio. By default this is unchecked - that means the vibrato is added over the actual pitch contour. So you can add a vibrato to a glide note, with this option unchecked.

    Clicking Apply is not necessary. Though you can add the current vibrato modification to the undo list by doing so.

    You can remove vibrato from any notes by clicking Remove Vibrato button.
  • Scale Editor:

    A pitch content of the scale is shown to the You can change the following things:
    • Master Tuning:
      Set the master pitch corresponding to note A4. By default it is 440.0.
    • Key of the scale
    • Note inclusion:
      Check the notes you want to include in the scale.
    • Relative Tuning for each note in scale:
      By default it is equal-tempered.

    The pitch content of the audio over the octave is shown to the left side of the dialog. Looking at this you can get the idea of what kind of scale and tuning it is. Also use the slider below this histogram to fine-tune the histogram display.

    Managing scale:
    • Click Apply to save the scale.
    • If you make changes and want to go back to the saved scale, click Reset to saved.
    • To set the tuning to default equal tempered tuning, click Equal Tuning.
  • Pitch Detection Correction:

    If you find that pitch of some note is incorrectly detected, you can change its correct pitch by using Pitch Detection Correction tool. Select the tool, select notes and drag them up or down to their correct pitch.
  • Opening an audio file:

    Go to File->Open and select an audio file to open.
  • Saving audio to a file:

    Go to File->Save or File->Save As. Type or select a file name to save to.
  • Saving the project:

    Go to File->Save Project. The project is saved in the same directory, and same filename as the current file, with the new extension .mtp. Saving a project does not save the audio.
  • Opening a project:

    Go to File->Open Project. Select a project file to open. You must have the related audio files along with the project file.
  • Auto-correct:

    The whole audio will be auto-corrected. Set these parameters and click AutoCorrect:
    • Pitch Center:
      Amount (zero to one) by which the base pitch is shifted to it's intended pitch. If set to one, pitch will be shifted exactly to the intended pitch. Setting to zero will retain the base pitch as is.
    • Remove Modulation:
      Amount (zero to one) of modulation to be removed. If set to one, will remove all the minor variations which will sound robotic. Setting to zero will retain the modulation.
    • Restrict to scale:
      Checking this will restrict the notes/pitch to the scale and tuning of your choice (see Scale Editor).
  • Tips:

    • You can apply almost any operation to any number of notes selected.
    • Experiment different operations while holding down ALT, SHIFT, CTRL keys or double-clicking.
    • You can see information related to currently selected note in the context of currently selected tool in the area to the right of play controls.

    Keyboard shortcuts:

    New empty window: CTRL + N
    Open file: CTRL + O
    Save file: CTRL + S
    Undo: CTRL + Z
    Redo: CTRL + SHIFT + Z
    Cut notes: CTRL + X
    Copy notes: CTRL + C
    Paste notes: CTRL + V
    Delete notes: DEL
    Select all notes: CTRL + A
    Select Move tool: F1
    Select Zoom tool: F2
    Select Zoom Rectangle tool: F3
    Select Pitch tool: F4
    Select Pitch Mod tool: F5
    Select Pencil tool: F6
    Select Formants tool: F7
    Select Amplitude tool: F8
    Select Time tool: F9
    Select Separation tool: CTRL + F9
    Open Vibrato Creator: F11
    Open Scale Editor: F12
    Enter Pitch Detection Correction Mode: CTRL + F5
    Play audio: SPACE
    Play original audio: CTRL + SPACE
    Stop playing audio: SPACE

    Mouse operations:

    Zoom in/out verticallyCTRL + Mouse Wheel
    Zoom in/out horizontallySHIFT + Mouse Wheel
    Scroll up/down verticallyMouse Wheel
    Display popup menuMouse Click inside the editor


    • Custom Scale: If custom scale is set/checked, then all the operations (e.g. pitch shift) will follow the current scale. E.g., pitch-shifting will not move any note to the note which is not in the current scale.
    • Custom Tuning: If set, shifted notes will be shifted to the tuning of that note in the current scale.